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21 Ways To Get More Facebook Likes/ Followers To Your Page

How many people have liked your business Facebook page? If you’re involved in social media marketing, you’re definitely familiar with this figure.

Facebook has over two billion users, providing a vast potential audience for your business. There’s a lot of competition for those all-important Likes, too, with over 60 million active Facebook business Pages on the network.

There’s no denying it: increasing your Facebook Likes is an important aspect of any marketing plan. However, you must not become so preoccupied with Likes that you lose sight of the purpose of Facebook.

How to Get More Facebook  Likes/ Followers For Your Business Page

There are a variety of strategies to obtain Facebook likes for your business, ranging from basic Facebook ads to influencer marketing.

  1. Invite People to Like Your Page

Inviting people to like your Facebook page is the simplest technique to gain more followers. The easiest way to get started is to invite your friends and family.

When you start running advertising for your store, Facebook will give you notifications every now and then asking you to invite people to join your page.

I discovered that running engagement advertisements resulted in a bigger number of people who may be invited to like the page.

Despite the fact that I manually invited others, I was eventually barred by Facebook. As a result, you should limit the amount of people you invite at a given moment.

Furthermore, even if you are temporarily prohibited, Facebook may continue send you alerts urging you to invite friends. You will, however, be unable to invite anyone. Before inviting more people, give it a day or two.

You can also ask your family and friends to like your page. Keep in mind, however, that having a limited, targeted audience is preferable to having a large, broad one, as the latter may limit the impact of your future commercials.


Facebook business page invite

Source: Wordstream


  1. Create and run Facebook ads

If you’re wondering how to obtain more Facebook likes, the most obvious approach is to use Facebook ads.

You may run “Engagement” advertising to assist you enhance your brand’s visibility on Facebook.


To be honest, whatever ad you design, even “Conversion” advertising, will almost certainly result in an increase in followers.

Users who like the ad content are more likely to connect with the post and like or follow your Facebook page.

So, if your primary goal is to increase shop sales, you can run a conversion ad while also increasing Facebook page likes.


  1. Organize a Giveaway

Giveaways are a terrific approach to get more people to like your Facebook page.

Using a program like Rafflecopter, you may run a giveaway on your website.

Promote your giveaway on Facebook, in niche Facebook groups or forums, on giveaway websites, and, of course, on your personal page.

You’ll be more likely to increase your Facebook followers if you make “visit Facebook page” one of the options to enter.

  1. Take advantage of current events.

What makes you think this is a good idea?

Because current events will be on people’s thoughts; they are currently relevant to them.

Posting on Facebook about current events is a good approach to gain some attention while being current and not being overly commercial

This proposition, obviously, covers the theme of current events in a broad sense. You’ll also need to use caution when discussing current events.

Some topics may be too sensitive to be included in your article.


Keep up to date, and when appropriate, use current events to your advantage.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to this, so be as creative as you can.


  1. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up to your page.

When you leave an online store, some of them will ask for your email address.

If your primary goal is to increase Facebook likes rather than subscribers, you can instead construct a Facebook like pop-up.

OptinMonster is a popular pop-up tool for generating new leads that can also be used to increase Facebook likes.

You can even create a timer so that the pop-up appears after a particular amount of time has passed since someone visited your website.

Avoid using too many pop-ups on your website because they can be distracting on mobile devices and cause visitors to leave sooner.

So, if you’re going to include a Facebook like pop-up on your site, make sure it’s the only one.


  1. Collaborate with an Influencer

If you’re looking for a way to grow your Facebook following, consider forming an influencer partnership.

The most effective influencers I’ve ever worked with weren’t really influencers. The majority of them, in reality, were specialized fan pages.

You know, those niche-specific pages that only discuss great products or information about that niche? They’re all over social media. And they frequently attract large crowds. They’re also usually less expensive than an influencer.

If you’re on a tight budget, this method works nicely. However, if you want to work with a real influencer, you can look for them in your niche.

If potential influencers are interested in working together, you’ll offer them a sample product to try out. Ask them to tag your Facebook page in the post when they share it on Facebook. People who are interested in your product will be more inclined to follow you if you do it this way.


  1.  Add a Facebook Like Widget

If you want to increase Facebook likes on your ecommerce website, Widgetic’s Facebook Like Widget is the quickest way to accomplish so.

A like icon appears on certain pages of your Shopify store, such as product pages, thanks to the free Shopify app.

It can also show shoppers who else likes your page, which can help you gain more Facebook followers by providing social proof.

This free application makes establishing a Facebook following simple for you if you’re just starting to find out how to get followers on Facebook.

facebook page like widget for shopify

Source: Oberlo


  1. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website

You’d be shocked how many new store owners neglect to include connections to their social media accounts on their websites.


Your social icons could be in the header, footer, or sidebar menu, depending on your theme.


  1. Email Your List

If you’re looking for a way to grow your Facebook following, consider using your existing email list.

You may either put social media icons (including Facebook) in all of your emails or send a direct email to your entire list telling them to like and follow your Facebook page.

If you haven’t been building an email list; learn the email list building best practices to get more sales and leads on a flick.

  1. Use Hashtag

While most people associate “hashtag” with Twitter or Instagram, utilizing hashtags in Facebook posts can help you gain more followers.

There are two main ways when it comes to hashtags. For a fashion post, you can use a literal hashtag like #fashion or an audience-focused hashtag as Sephora does.

This Sephora post has nothing to do with #fitspo (fitness inspiration). However, they are most likely using the hashtag to attract customers who are looking for fitness motivation to their brand.

In this scenario, the hashtag allows Sephora to reach a new audience with their post, one that may become Facebook followers.

Facebook page


  1. Get Customers to Tag You

Send an email when a product is delivered to your customer (if they agreed to marketing) asking them to tag you in their photos.

People frequently post pictures of their items on social media, and being tagged by customers can help you gain more Facebook fans… and purchases.

Although the audience will be smaller, word of mouth marketing will have a greater impact because it is genuine.

  1. Use Facebook to interact with other brands and communities.

Remember, Facebook is basically a social network, so get sociable and engage with other brands that are relevant to your niche but not direct competitors. A simple Like or remark on another brand’s post might help attract their attention and lead to opportunities to collaborate and cross-promote your businesses, resulting in more Facebook Likes for both of you. Tagging other brands can help your Page reach a new audience (the followers of that other company), but only do so in posts that are relevant.

Look for prospective follower communities to interact with as well. Facebook Groups are a terrific way to meet individuals who are interested in topics relating to your area while also allowing you to showcase your skills. Simply make sure that your activity in Facebook Groups is beneficial rather than promotional, or you may be thrown out.

  1. Use Facebook Insights to your advantage.

Analyzing Facebook Page Insights may provide you with a clear picture of who your current fans are, which can help you target your future Facebook efforts more effectively. You’ll also be able to see which kind of posts have the most average reach and interaction, and utilize that information to create more of the material your Facebook audience wants.

After all, learning from your failures, highlighting your triumphs, and providing your followers with information you know they’ll appreciate are all important methods to improve the quality of your content and, yes, get more Facebook Likes.

  1. Create More Video Content

Do you want to learn how to obtain more Facebook likes? Consider video marketing.

On Facebook, video content typically receives more engagement than pictures or text-based posts. As a consequence, your material will be seen by a larger number of people.

The more viewers and Facebook likes you have, the more likely your material is to be discovered by new Facebook followers.

Building an audience isn’t always the key to gaining new followers; it’s also important to establish your brand. Creating quality material on a regular basis in a popular format might also help you grow your audience.

So, if you want to grow your Facebook following, you’ll need to improve your video content approach.


  1. Get Involved in Your Community

Some of the most well-known ecommerce companies do not interact with their clients. Even the tiniest store has a significant competitive edge as a result of this.


However, interacting with your community isn’t just about providing excellent customer service, such as answering inquiries about delivery delays. It’s also about forming bonds with others. And there’s no better way to achieve this than to be a little playful or to answer in a way that makes the consumer feel like they’re conversing with their friends.


  1. Include a link to your Facebook page in your email newsletter.

People you already communicate with, such as newsletter subscribers, are an excellent target demographic for your Facebook page. If you already have an email newsletter subscriber base, increasing your Facebook page likes is a low-hanging fruit because your subscribers can easily like your page without having to look for it on Facebook. How do you go about doing this in a natural way? Include the URL to your Facebook page in the welcome email for your newsletter.

Everyone who signs up for your official newsletter will be able to like your Facebook page. You can grow your email list and your Facebook fan base at the same time! What do you call a win-win situation?

  1. Pin Your Top-Performing Post

Top-performing posts can be pinned to the top of your Facebook page to extend their lifespan. After all, your target audience has already shown interest in it. As a result, there’s a good probability that someone who comes to your page will see it and interact with it.

No existing top-performing posts yet? No worries When looking for a post to pin, keep this rule in mind: what reason can you give your page visitors to remain and like your page? It could be a limited-time promotion, such as a sale, that only your Facebook fans are aware of. It might also be limited-time incentives available just to your Facebook fans.

You may also pin a post asking your fans to disclose more about themselves in exchange for a chance to win a prize to encourage them to interact with you.


  1. Make the Most of Facebook Live

One of the most effective strategies to increase the number of likes on your Facebook business page is to broadcast live videos. Why? Because, despite a 20% drop in average brand engagement on Facebook, live videos that spark conversations will be prioritized in the news stream.

Don’t take our word for it: Facebook claims that live videos receive 6 times the number of interactions as ordinary videos. As a result, they are more likely to appear in people’s news feeds. This allows friends of your fans to learn about your brand and even engage with it.


  1. Post Audience-Targeted Content

Do you recall your buyer personas? Knowing about them will help you choose the appropriate tone and type of information to use when speaking directly to your target audience. What’s something else you should be aware of in addition to your buyer personas? Discover why your Facebook fans “liked” your page to begin with. Fortunately, you won’t have to look far to get the answer. According to studies, 58.8% of users like Facebook sites because they want to know about promotions. As a result, promoting exclusive offers on your company page can increase the number of people who like your page.


  1. Post When Your Fans are Online


According to research, the optimum times to post on Facebook are 9 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. from Thursday through Sunday.

Obviously, this isn’t the best time for your own Facebook fans, does it? You need to know when your page-specific fans are online to enhance your Facebook page engagement.

Not sure where to look for this information? To find out when your fans are online, browse to Insights » Posts » When Your Fans are Online.

Facebook page insights


The days and times when your Facebook fans are most active may then be seen. Use this information the next time you schedule a Facebook post to receive the most engagement from your active fans.


  1. Promote on Other Social Media Platforms

Do you have a large number of followers on your other social media accounts? Great! You can use them to cross-promote your Facebook post. However, don’t merely put a link to your Facebook page. It’s preferable if you choose a content format that’s appropriate for the social media site you’re on. Upload a Facebook-specific piece of material, such as a video, then share it on Twitter. Remember to direct your fans to your Facebook page for further information.


  1. Optimize Your “About” Section

It’s a low-hanging fruit to finish your “About” section. This is something that every company should do. In Facebook’s eyes, a page with complete information appears more trustworthy. Meaning, Facebook will prioritize your page’s posts over those from other pages with insufficient information. So, how do you go extra mile? Make it better. Yes, much like your corporate website, you can optimize your Facebook page for search. How? In your About section, use relevant keywords.







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